My name is Tom Snyder and I appreciate the art of coding. I have a diverse spectrum of programming experience encompassing mobile, web, cloud and mainframe. Code-Gorilla I have over 20 years experience as a software developer in various environments and hold certifications in Java from Sun and PHP from Zend. Prior to software development, I have worked as a Hardware Engineer at Intel. I am a proud Veteran Submariner of the United States Navy aboard the USS Whale SSN638. I am an author of Extract, Transform and Load with SQL Server Integration Services with co-author Vedish Shah, which demonstrates how SSIS can be used with any database. I am also the best-selling author of Advanced Integrated RPG, which covers the latest programming techniques for rpg ile and java to utilize open-source technologies. you can see some of my articles online at MC Press Online Originally from and currently residing in Scranton, Pennsylvania. I am currently involved in a Mobile Application Start-up company with my family named KrakenMobi. Experienced in the following Web Frameworks
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